Monday, August 18, 2008

A Rough Weekend

It's not easy to sit and write when Ida is so sick.
The weekend was tough. Today, Monday, the little monkey feels somewhat better and shows glimpses of her old self.
She still doesn't eat and gets food and medicine through an assort of tubes connected to her body. Intravenous she gets glucose water (infusion) and another, high energy nutritions as well as the casual medicine or blood (right now - paracetamol, earlier - vincristine). She also has the feeding tube.
Since Friday Ida's condition deteriorated to the point we actually went home... No, seriously, she didn't really ate since Wednesday and didn't relieve herself since Monday. Still, on Saturday afternoon we went home for a trail. It lasted a few hours, which Ida spent sleeping...
By the evening it became impossible to feed her using the nose feeding tube because she just threw up as soon as we tried. She was, in addition, very sick and very weak. I'm going to spare you the description, let me just assure you that seeing one's child like this is simply heartbreaking.
When we came back to the hospital Ida vomited whatever was left in her stomach and got yet worse. For the very least she was getting some food in her through infusion.
The next day, which was yesterday, it became apparent that her digestive system is on a break and nothing is happening down there. The diagnostic involved a couple of doctors, x-ray, ultra sound tests and the likes. Not so pleasant for a healthy child, and so much worse for a sick one.
A plan was made, and once again, I'm going to save you all the details, but hopefully we managed to clean up her system. Today we started slowly to use the feeding tube again. But yesterday was bad. Having the reflex of vomiting on en empty stomach is not very pleasant as some of you surly know. But having to throw up for 24 hours straight when you are a very ill one and a half years old... Don't ask.
Today is better.
It's not good, but there is some light.
We're lucky to go through this with Ida, who's the funniest, brightest, most beautiful girl in the world.
Today is also two weeks since the first night in the hospital. It's soon time to give you the backdrop of all of this, and write a bit about the place we're in.


e said...

I've been reading Camillas blog for quite some time. It's good to read that your amazing girl may be doing a bit better. But it's paiful to read how ill she is and I can't imagine how hard it must be for you. I really hope that you will see a positive change soon.

sharon avnon said...

We just wanted to mention a few other people who asked to send their regards and best wishes. Shoshani said he's thinking of you guys and will try to get in touch. Also, Orli (who used to live in the kibbutz and then in NYC) said she's thinking positive thoughts. Her friend has a relative who beat leukemia as a child--and is going to the army this year in perfect health. Hugs and kisses to Ida--
Oren and Sharon

Anonymous said...


Vi tänker på er och läser bloggen. Vi håller tummarna för att Ida snart ska må bättre!!

Stor kram från Lars, Caroline & Wilma